RNCYC Photographic Competition 2022
This competition is open to all RNCYC members, and photographs will be judged for both adults and cadets in all categories.
Photos should be submitted by Sunday 27th March to: rcsocial@rncyc.com.
Photos may be taken on any type of camera or mobile phone and should be of as high a resolution as possible; at least 1600 pixels, or a file size of at least 1MB.
Members may enter 1 photo per category, plus 2 photos in a category of their choice, maximum of 6 photos per person.
The categories for entries are as follows: A – Yachts & Boating B – Families & Friends on the Water C – Seascapes D – Sea Life & Nature
Please indicate the category for each photo you enter, and if possible, give your photos a title. (i.e. D – Puffins on Lunga, or B – Learning to row)
Each entry will be given an individual number so that each photo and its photographer is anonymous when sent for judging.
A presentation of all photos entered in the competition, and the announcement of the winners of this competition will take place on Friday 8th April, in conjunction with our Friday Night Dining.
I look forward to viewing all the entries, and to sharing them with our fellow members.
Kind Regards, Linda Pender Rear Commodore House & Social