Sail Racing Events 2022
​April ​
26 Tuesday evening Gareloch racing for Gareloch ODs and Sonars starts.
Notice of Race Sailing Instructions Race Officer Rota Enter
21 & 25 Cadet Training at Rhu Marina Starts for 8 weeks - Tuesday and Thursday evenings
May ​​​
1 Gareloch One Design Afternoon racing starts. Notice of Race Enter
28 Club Regatta. Sailing Instructions Notice of Race Notice of Race Ammendment 1 Enter
12 Cadet Regatta. Postponed until August. Details to be confirmed
9 & 10 Two Boat Team Racing. Notice of Race Entry Form
10 - 17 Cruise in Company - Further information
23 & 24 Gareloch OD Championship Weekend Documents and booking links to follow
9 - 12 Commodore's International Cup - away in USA. Register interest here
17 - 21 707 UK Championships. Notice of Race Enter
18 & 22 Cadet Training at Rhu Marina Starts for 8 weeks - Tuesday and Thursday evenings
1 & 2 Millennium Bowl team racing at RNCYC. Documents and booking links to follow
8 & 9 Ceilidh Cup. Documents and booking links to follow
If you're looking for crew or looking for a boat to sail on for club-racing or any events, join our Crewfinder Facebook group.